Expert choice 11 download
Expert choice 11 download

What is the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)?

  • Structures decisions using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP).
  • Allows real-time interaction of management teams to achieve consensus on decisions.

    A collaborative decision support software and hardware system that facilitates group decisions that are more efficient, analytical, and justifiable.greatly increases the chance of success 7.Creates buy-in and ownership for the decision and thus.Generally group decisions are superior to individual.Draws from a larger pool of knowledge and perspectives.information to make an informed decision.On complex decisions no one person has all the required.Distributes the effort and responsibility of the decision.Why is Collaboration and Consensus Important for a Decision? A decision that is acceptable to all members of the group.Usually required for most important and complex.

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    Two or more individuals or organizations working.What is Collaboration and Consensus in Decision Making? What criteria would you use to judge alternatives?.What needs to be defined in the above goal?.

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  • Goal: Choosing a mode of transportation.
  • Identify Alternatives:What are the options? Ex: Software X, Y or Z, procedure I, II, or III, Vendor X, Y, or Z Identify Constraints:What options are unfeasible? Ex: Can’t spend over $X, has to be implements next month, laws/regulations Choose Alternative/s: Which options are best? Ex: Purchase software x, implement procedure II, select vendor Z. Define Criteria:How will you judge the alternatives? Ex: Cost, reliability, flexibility, safety, customer satisfaction, time to implement. The Four Scales of Measurement Interval Number Ratio Number 1st 2nd 3rd Nominal Number Ordinal Number 3īasic Components of a Sound Decision Define Problem or Goal:What are you trying to accomplish? Ex: Provide a secure campus, purchase a new IT system, select the best vendor, choose the best procedure, choose a building location.
  • Have class participate in building a decision model in Ĭomplexity and Responsibility Dysfunctional Decision Making Poor Information Politicking Compliance Horse Trading End Arounds Competing Objectives Need for ROI Dictates Pet Projects Uncertainty Need for Accountability Crisis Mis-Management Need to align spending with objectives Knee-Jerk Decisions Time Pressure Top Down Funding Risk Limited Resources Across the Board Cuts Failed Projects Lost Money Frustration Misalignment Dissatisfaction Compliance Failure Bad Choices Wasted Resources Bad Outcomes The Challenge DecisionFailure 2 Provided by Expert Choice.
  • Provide an introduction into Expert Choice software and.
  • Provide a structured approach for decision making.
  • Understand basic decision making theory.
  • Introduction to Expert Choice Office of Quality Management Office of Research Services National Institutes of Health September 20th, 2005įor more information on the Expert Choice Software: Or Contact: Josh Rose (301) 402-3441 Acknowledgements This presentation was developed by the Office of Quality Management with content provided by Expert Choice, Inc.

    Expert choice 11 download